Start Course Logo

Got questions about life and the Christian Faith?
Try the Start Course!

What’s life all about and where are we going? Does God exist and what is He like? Why is the world such a mess?

If you’re looking for answers, then maybe it’s time to make a Start.

Starting on January the 11th, we’ll be runing a 6 week Start Course in the side room of The Star Inn, Whipton. Each session involves video clips which we’ll watch together, and then some time to reflect and chat about what you thought about the ideo with the other people in the group.

Each session lasts about an hour and is totally free to attend.

WHERE: The Star Inn, Whipton.
WHEN: Wednesdays starting January 11th
Daytime Course: 11am
Evening Course: 7:30pm

If youve got any questions, please contact email Carl on